The Numbers Game: Population Predictions Versus Realities in Israel

    While researching for my final project, I came across an article depicting the concern over decreasing population within the Jewish Quarter. Since Jewish occupation of both East Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, a year as we discussed in class that is incredibly significant in regards to the Israel-Palestine conflict, they have attempted to grow the Jewish presence in Jerusalem in order to "impede Palestinian natural growth and nudge Palestinians to depart" (Friesel 5). However, Israel has failed to meet their goals for Jewish population growth in the Old City, and their majority share has began to shrink. The ratio of Jews to Palestinians has gone from "74 Jewish to 26 Palestinian residents in 1967 to a 62:38 ratio in 2016" (Friesel 5). 

    As the article explains, the cause for this shrink is a two-way street; Israel has failed to attract more Jewish citizens, but Jewish citizens were also moving out of Jerusalem to other cities in Israel. Trumping these causes for the Jew's decline in Jerusalem is the growth of the Palestinian community, which has "outpaced that of the Jewish population" (Friesel 5). Ze'ev Elkin, a candidate in the 2018 mayoral race for Jerusalem, claimed that by 2023 the Jewish population may officially get overcome by the Arabs. According to a news article published in August of 2022, in Israel as a whole, Jewish people became a 47% minority in the country. This is taking into consideration the amount of both Arab-Palestinians and the general non-Jewish population. There are 7.45 million Jews and 7.53 million Arab-Israelis in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. There was no data specifically pertaining to Jerusalem. 

    I found this concern regarding population sizes to be interesting considering the growth of Palestinians reflected leading up to current events. Another article, this one published by PBS in February of 2024, reported that over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza strip since October 7th, 2023. Later on in the article, it states that 236 IDF soldiers have been killed as well. The drastic changes in the population in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank have undoubtedly thrown off any predictions in growth or even decline. As I continue to research Jewish communities in Israel, I will gather more context on how both ideologies and religion play into politics, culture, economics, and history/current events in both Israel and Jerusalem. 

International Crisis Group. “A Jewish Majority in ‘Unified Jerusalem’ at Minimum Cost.” Reversing Israel’s Deepening Annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem, International Crisis Group, 2019, p. Page 5-Page 7. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Mar. 2024.

Shurafa, Wafaa, and Samy Magdy. “More than 29,000 Palestinians Have Been Killed in Gaza since War’s Start, Health Ministry Says.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 19 Feb. 2024,,of%20the%20Israeli%2DPalestinian%20conflict.


  1. Nice post about how demographics are often used in the conflict (in a variety of different ways; population numbers have been used by both Palestinians and Israelis—and pre-nation-state versions of these identities—to make arguments since the 19th century). The numbers/ratios you present as being about the Old City of Jerusalem sound more likely to be about the entire of city of Jerusalem (i.e. the Old City, East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem). In the Old City, the majority of the population is Muslim with much smaller Jewish and Christian populations.


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