The Problem with Christian Zionism

Pastor John Hagee giving the benediction at the US embassy in Jerusalem.

With the recent events in the Gaza strip, both Palestinians and Jews have experienced massive shifts in public opinion and support, both good and bad for each. One of the most interesting consequences of this, is the sudden and seemingly massive increase in Christian support, both in political backing and donations, for Israeli Jews. In fact, in recent years Christians have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to pro-Israel causes through charities such as Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ). This movement, although not new by any means, is known as Christian Zionism. The movement encompasses Christians, typically Evangelical Americans, who believe that Jews should re-establish an independent holy state, specifically including Jerusalem. While this may seem altruistic in principle, and it is certainly portrayed that way, the movement has some serious humanitarian concerns. 

    To understand these concerns, one must understand the motivation behind the Christian Zionist movement. Obviously, Christians and Jews do not hold the same religious beliefs in their faith, however, their motivation for Zionism is strikingly similar. Jews want to reestablish a homeland because they believe that God wants them to reclaim their holy land in preparation for God's return to earth and the ascension of Jerusalem as heaven. Similarly, Christians, like megachurch pastor Robert Jefress, believe that if a Jewish state is built, a prophecy is begun that ultimately results in the return of Christ to Earth and Christians ascension to heaven (Bump). While their beliefs are quite similar to Jews, by this definition, Christian Zionists ultimately only care about the fulfillment of prophecy, not the well being of Jews and other groups in Israel. Prominent Christian Zionist leaders such as John Hagee, leader of CUFI, have expressed this sole focus on establishing a Jewish state, at the expense of Palestinians or even Jews themselves. For example, Hagee stated that Adolf Hitler was sent by God as a “hunter” to force Jews into Jerusalem and establish a nation, a statement which seemingly justifies the Holocaust as an act of God (Stein). 

This clear lack of respect for the wellbeing of the Jewish community, makes it clear that Christian Zionists like Hagee only support Israel to fulfill a prophecy that will benefit them, and the individual well being of Jews and other groups are of little importance (Gottlieb). These focuses in eschatology, or study of the "end times", create a dangerous, blind support of Israel that ultimately can result in harm to communities that stand in the way of Zionism, specifically Palestinians. 

Works Cited

Bump, Philip. “Analysis | Half of Evangelicals Support Israel Because They Believe It Is Important for Fulfilling End-Times Prophecy.” Washington Post, 14 May 2018,

Gottliebb, Lynn. “The Anti-Semitic Theology behind the Christian Zionist Lobby - Religion News Service.” Religion News Service, 8 July 2019, Accessed 30 Oct. 2019.

Stein, Sam. “McCain Backer Hagee Said Hitler Was Fulfilling God’s Will (AUDIO).” HuffPost, 29 May 2008, Accessed 6 Apr. 2024.


  1. Nice post about the Christian Zionism and the unusual alliance it create between some modern day Jews and Christians. Having gone through the long history of Jerusalem we've seen several unexpected alliances, some that might be viewed as positive and some as not-so-positive.


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